Understanding Anxiety & Depression In Children & Adolescents
Anxiety is generally defined as excessive worry and apprehensive expectations, occurring more days than not for at least six months about several events or activities such as work or school performance. Depression, however, is generally defined as persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. It’s essential to understand what anxiety and depression are and how they can occur in children and adolescents so they can receive the necessary care. If your child may have depression or anxiety, Innerspace Counseling in New Jersey is here to help.

Common Causes
Some common causes of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents include:
- Exposure to conflict
- Trauma
- Lack of stability
- Abuse
- Isolation
- Lack of control
- Lack of social or familial support
- Family history,
- Poor peer support

Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety & Depression In Toddler To Preschool-Aged Children
Identifying depression and anxiety in preschool age children can be challenging because very young children are less able to articulate their emotional state. Here are a few changes parents and educators can look for.
Frequent headaches or stomachaches
Difficulty going to sleep, difficulty staying asleep, or excessive sleeping
Changes in appetite
Lack of interest in social interactions

Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety & Depression In Children Aged 5-12
While children in this age group are better equipped to verbalize their emotions, they may often keep their feeling to themselves, making it harder for a parent or caregiver to discern the signs of depression. At Innerspace, our children’s counseling services will allow the child to open up and communicate with others about their feelings. Here are some signs to look for.
Frequent aggressiveness
Frequent sadness
Regular negative feelings and remarks about themselves
Feelings of guilt
Fear or constant worry
Headaches or stomachaches
Lack of energy
Loss of interest
Problems sleeping

Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety & Depression In Adolescents
Teen years can be filled with angst and drama. Peer pressure, academic expectations, and changing bodies can result in many ups and downs for teenagers. But for some, these lows are more than just temporary feelings — they resemble symptoms of depression.
Feelings of sadness
Frustration or feelings of anger
Feeling hopeless or empty
Loss of interest
Conflict with family and friends
Low self-esteem
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
Fixation on past failures
Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure and the need for excessive reassurance

Types Of Anxiety And Depressive Disorders
Common types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, separation anxiety, selective mutism, and medication-induced anxiety disorder.
Common types of depressive disorders include major depression, bipolar disorder, and situational depression.
Our highly-trained staff members offer a uniquely designed program to tailor to the needs of your child.

Long Term Effects of Untreated Conditions
Changes in sleep
Changes in appetite and weight
Significantly reduced energy levels
Poor self-esteem
Increased medical problems
Lack of confidence
At Innerspace Counseling in New Jersey, we strive to provide counseling services to all those who need the tools and support to live a better, happier life. To learn more about our services, or if you want to find out if your child is a good candidate for our program, contact Innerspace Counseling to request a consultation!
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